Foundations Care welcomes feedback and complaints from our stakeholders – carers (foster/kinship), children and young people, individuals, government departments and external non-government agencies. Your feedback will help us to identify if a problem exists and to take any steps necessary to resolve the problem to ensure it does not reoccur.

If you have a complaint about the service we provide, a decision we have made or an action/inaction of a staff member, you have the right to make a complaint.

The Complaints Process

1. Tell Someone

You can speak directly to the Facilitator, Case Coordinator, Consultant, Senior Consultant or Service coordinator.

You may wish to speak to the Senior Manager, this is actioned by contacting 1300 854 733 and explaining your concerns. If you wish to speak to someone within the organisation not involved with your situation, you can speak with the National Manager. Call 1300 854 733 and we will direct your complaint to the appropriate person.

2. Your Complaint will be registered

You will be informed of how we intend to address the complaint and the timeframes we anticipate we will get back to you during and after our investigation of the issue.

3. If you are not happy with the outcome

If you are not happy or if you feel that your problem or concern has not been taken seriously, you can take the complaint to the National Manager.

4. If you feel your complaint has not been adequately addressed

If you feel your complaint has not been adequately addressed and needs to be taken further, you will be provided with a list of further options of who else you can talk to.

Remember you can have a support person of your choice with you at any stage of the process. This support person can talk to Foundations Care on your behalf. A staff member can explain the complaints process at any time.

Your Privacy

Foundation Care is committed to protecting your privacy.

Collection of Personal Information

Foundation Care will only collect personal information neccesary for, or directly related to, it activities and functions and only by fair means. When collecting personal information Foundations Care will ensure that a person is generally aware of:

  • The purpose for which the information is being collected
  • To whom the information is being collected;
  • To whom the information is usually disclosed; and
  • Whether collection is authorised by law.

Storage and Security of Personal Information

Foundations Care has possession of personal information and will ensure that there are reasonable safeguards against unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure of information. For a full description of our privacy measures you can request a copy of our Privacy and Confidentiality Policies and Procedures.

Accuracy of Personal Information

Foundations Care will take reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information used is accurate, current and complete.

Use and Disclosure of Personal information

Foundations Care may use or disclose personal information:

  • If your prior approval is on file (and current)
  • If a situation is unsafe for you or others
  • If it is required by law

Giving Compliments and Feedback for Improvement

We are always open to hearing your thoughts on how we can improve our service and of course, we appreciate compliments!

Feedback forms are available on request at each of our service centers. These can be completed and given to the Service Coordinator.

Alternatively you can speak to the following people:

  • Facilitators
  • Case Coordinators
  • Consultants
  • Senior Consultants
  • Service Coordinators
  • Senior Managers
  • National Managers