Foster Care Payments and Support

Foundations Care pride ourselves on the level of support we provide our carers. It goes to the very heart of our values and culture that we are with you every step of the way.

There is no such thing as a cookie cutter approach at Foundations Care, every family is unique and every child has different needs. We understand this and work with our foster carers in a collaborative, responsive and flexible way to support the important role they have in their foster child’s life.

Support Includes:

  • Training ( Initial and ongoing)
  • Financial Assistance
  • Foundations case worker on call 24 hours
  • Regular ‘get togethers’ with other carers
  • A network of support specialists


Training is an essential part of the process and it will help to equip foster carers with the skills needed to care for a foster child. In particular, the training is designed to develop skills and understanding of foster children and how the trauma they have experienced can affect both their behaviour and their capacities. If you wish to become a carer, training is compulsory. It is completed over a series of weeks at absolutely no cost.

Foster Care Allowance

Foster carers and kinship carers receive a fortnightly foster care allowance. The allowance is not considered a ‘payment’ for caring and it is not a source of reimbursement toward the real costs of caring for a child or young person placed in care. This may include items such as food, clothing, household provisions, gifts, pocket money, entertainment etc.
Respite carers also receive the allowance in proportion to the amount of time they provide care for a child.
The caring allowance is not subject to tax.

A one-off start-up foster care allowance

Financial support is available at the start of a child’s placement when costs are likely to be high. This is in addition to the ongoing carer allowance and is eligible for carers when a child is in placement for 5 consecutive nights or more.
Foster carers also receive a one-off establishment payment when a child comes into a finalised Child Protection Order.

High complex or extreme support needs

If the child has high, complex or extreme support needs, the foster care allowance increases to accommodate this. Foster carers may also be reimbursed for substantial additional costs when these form part of the case plan for the child in care.

24 hour contact with a Foundations Care case worker

Foundations Care prides itself on the level of support we provide our carers. It goes to the very heart of our values and culture that we are with you every step of the way. There is no such thing as a cookie cutter approach at Foundations Care, every family is unique and every child has different needs. We understand this and work with our foster carers in a collaborative, responsive and flexible way to support the important role they have in their foster child’s life.
A Foundations Care  case worker is with you every step of the way is available to take your call any time of the day or night.

Regular get togethers with other carers

Other carers are often the best form of support. At foundations Care we organise bi-monthly groups which allow carers to connect and help directly influence changes that need to be made by Foundations Care to ensure their role as a foster carer is as effective as possible.

Yearly Carer Survey

Each year we send out a survey to our carers to capture feedback around how best to support their needs. We are always looking for ways to continually improve our service and the supports we provide our carers. The organisation is run collaboratively and we pride ourselves on remaining, flexible and responsive.